Were you recently in an accident? Are you unsure how to balance your new injuries and the rising costs? Learn how a lawyer can help you.

Questions And Answers About Slip And Fall Injury Cases

10 March 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Slipping and falling in a store can leave you wondering whether or not you should seek compensation for your injuries. Here are a few questions and answers about slip-and-fall injuries that occur in a store: If you slip and fall, are you automatically eligible for reimbursement? In some instances, you may be eligible for compensation. However, in order for a store's employees to be deemed liable for your injuries, they must have been negligent. Read More …

Personal Injury Lawsuit Tips For New Mexico

9 March 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you were injured and have a lot of bills to deal with, then you might have considered a lawsuit. A personal injury lawsuit can be an excellent way of getting the money that you deserve, but lawsuits are also pretty complicated. Every state has different laws, which can make the filing process seem very difficult. To help you find the laws that you need to worry about, here are the main statutes that apply to personal injury lawsuits filed in New Mexico: Read More …

What To Expect From Your Workers Comp Claim

9 March 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you have suffered a work-related injury and have filed a workers comp claim, you may be wondering how much help you can expect your employer's workers comp insurance agency to provide you. The main benefits provided are your full medical expenses and a portion of your lost wages, but there could be much more available depending on the seriousness of your injury. For more information about what to expect from your workers comp claim, read on. Read More …

Three Topics That Are Important To Discuss With Your Personal Injury Attorney

9 March 2016
 Categories: , Blog

After you've suffered a serious injury that resulted from the negligence of someone else, it's important to move quickly to hire a personal injury attorney who can prepare a case to help you seek financial compensation. While time is of the essence, you shouldn't rush to simply hire the first attorney whose advertisement you see on TV or on a billboard near your home. It's better to put together a list of prospective candidates and speak to each one to help you make up your mind. Read More …

How To Handle Social Media When You’re Also Handling A Personal Injury Claim

9 March 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you have filed a claim for an injury you sustained due to a fall or other accident, you may have heard that staying off social media is the best way to handle social media. This is basically true; increasingly, lawyers and investigators are using social media accounts to disprove personal injury claims. However, social media has become a major way for people to communicate, and it can be difficult to remain off social media for a long time. Read More …

About Me
Healing From My Accident

When I woke up in the hospital and asked what happened, my mom and sisters explained that I had been involved in a terrible auto accident. I was terrified. In addition to forgetting about the entire ordeal, I also didn't know how I was going to battle my new injuries. Fortunately, my mom suggested that we seek the help of an accident attorney. Within a few hours, things started to get better. The lawyer answered phone calls and addressed medical bills, and he also took the time to listen to my side of the story--or the lack thereof. Learn how a lawyer can help you too.
