
Were you recently in an accident? Are you unsure how to balance your new injuries and the rising costs? Learn how a lawyer can help you.

About Suing After A Collision With A Reckless Delivery Driver

16 December 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Did your car get sideswiped by a delivery truck driver that seemed as though he or she was in a hurry? If you have a serious injury because your car got hit by another vehicle after being pushed into another lane, you need a lawyer's help fast. Find out below how a personal injury lawyer can help you sue the delivery truck driver and the company that he or she works for. Read More …

5 Steps Of Filing A Lawsuit

20 November 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Being involved in a legal dispute can be a trying time. However, if you feel you have been treated unfairly and this caused you to suffer injury or financial losses, you may need to take legal action. Filing a lawsuit against another individual can be a complex procedure and it's ideal to know the steps that are involved in doing so. Step #1: File a complaint You should meet with your attorney and discuss your case. Read More …

Can You Use Juror Testimony About Deliberations In Your Request For An Appeal?

18 August 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Sometimes after a case has concluded, jurors will discuss the deliberation process with others. If you catch wind that something happened during deliberations which may have negatively affected the outcome of your personal injury case, you may be wondering if you can use that information to request an appeal. Unfortunately, jury deliberations are confidential, something the Supreme Court confirmed in 2014. Here's more information about that decision and the few times when an exception to this rule may be made. Read More …

When Informed Consent Is Not Necessary

18 August 2015
 Categories: , Blog

One of the more common forms of medical malpractice lawsuits arise because the patient did not give informed consent. In this situation, the word "informed" means that the patient knows everything about the procedure that he or she is undergoing, including the risks of the procedure, the probability that it will be successful, the type of illness that the procedure is seeking to correct, how much the treatment costs, and how long the recovery time will be. Read More …

Compensation For

18 August 2015
 Categories: , Blog

While the rights of individuals and groups to peacefully assemble and engage in lawful protest should be upheld, these gatherings can also end in violence. Whether this descent into violence and looting is instigated by provocateurs, by criminals taking advantage of an explosive situation, or by the protesters themselves is irrelevant. Public safety should be the paramount concern when violence erupts, yet innocent bystanders are often attacked and injured by mobs while law enforcement officers are forced under order to stand down. Read More …

About Me
Healing From My Accident

When I woke up in the hospital and asked what happened, my mom and sisters explained that I had been involved in a terrible auto accident. I was terrified. In addition to forgetting about the entire ordeal, I also didn't know how I was going to battle my new injuries. Fortunately, my mom suggested that we seek the help of an accident attorney. Within a few hours, things started to get better. The lawyer answered phone calls and addressed medical bills, and he also took the time to listen to my side of the story--or the lack thereof. Learn how a lawyer can help you too.
