Healing From My Accident

Were you recently in an accident? Are you unsure how to balance your new injuries and the rising costs? Learn how a lawyer can help you.

What You Need To Know About The Latest Worker’s Compensation Opt-Out News

4 March 2016
 Categories: , Blog

In the past few weeks, there has been considerable speculation and examination into certain worker's compensation opt-out plans and their constitutionality. The findings of the Oklahoma Worker's Compensation Commission at the end of February were that these programs violated basic worker's rights laws and therefore had to be thrown out. Whether this ruling will set a precedent for other states with similar laws (one example being Texas)  is yet to be seen, but let's take a look at what this initial ruling means to these other states, as well as what it means for employers and employees. Read More …

Three Critical Topics To Discuss When You Hire A Motorcycle Accident Attorney

4 March 2016
 Categories: , Blog

After your involvement in a motorcycle accident, it's crucial to devote time to finding the right attorney if you think that you'll be taking legal action. Your first step is to find some local attorneys who specialize in motorcycle-related cases; next, you can identify a few worthwhile candidates and schedule time to speak to each one. Each of these meetings is an opportunity for you to discuss your case and evaluate the attorney's expertise and experience. Read More …

Hit By An Unlicensed Driver?

23 February 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Car accidents are always distressing, whether they are serious are not. Your vehicle probably will be damaged, and you or someone else in your vehicle may be hurt. If the other driver is at fault but has no insurance or not enough, the situation becomes more complicated. You have several options to protect yourself in these situations. Uninsured/Underinsured Drivers Insurance You should ask your insurance agent about adding uninsured motorist coverage to your policy. Read More …

Keeping Your Car During Bankruptcy

22 January 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Bankruptcy can be an unpleasant necessity. While stressful at the time, it has the ability to give you a fresh start so you can have a better future. One key concern may be your vehicle. This is especially true if you need the car to get to work or ferry your kids around. You may be able to keep your car during bankruptcy. Here are some answers to questions about cars and bankruptcy. Read More …

Can You Collect Workers’ Comp And Social Security Disability At The Same Time?

21 January 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you have been injured or become ill while working, you likely want to collect all benefits available. Naturally, being unable to work can cause serious financial issues, so you may be wondering if you can collect both workers' comp and Social Security Disability at the same time. The short and quick answer is "yes", but read on for important limits and guidelines to ensure that you get the full amount of benefits to which you are entitled. Read More …

About Me
Healing From My Accident

When I woke up in the hospital and asked what happened, my mom and sisters explained that I had been involved in a terrible auto accident. I was terrified. In addition to forgetting about the entire ordeal, I also didn't know how I was going to battle my new injuries. Fortunately, my mom suggested that we seek the help of an accident attorney. Within a few hours, things started to get better. The lawyer answered phone calls and addressed medical bills, and he also took the time to listen to my side of the story--or the lack thereof. Learn how a lawyer can help you too.
