Healing From My Accident

Were you recently in an accident? Are you unsure how to balance your new injuries and the rising costs? Learn how a lawyer can help you.

About Filing A Lawsuit After Getting Burned In A Collision

18 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Did someone cause you to suffer serious burns on your face after your car caught fire in a collision? If you are now left with low self-esteem and large scars that detracts from your beauty, it is your right to sue the other party for the trauma you are going through. The article below will discuss the helpful ways that an attorney can help you win a personal injury lawsuit against the driver that collided with your car and caused it to catch on fire. Read More …

Four Things To Remember If You’ve Been In A Car Accident

7 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you've never been in a car accident, consider yourself lucky -- and then do some preparation. Chances are that at some point you'll have to deal with an unfortunate car accident, and you need to know what to expect once you get out of your car to talk to the other people involved. Make the wrong move, and you could find your case turning sour very quickly. Here are four things to remember if you are involved in an accident. Read More …

Important Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Workers Compensation Attorney

25 March 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Were you injured at work? Have you since been denied the workers compensation that you're owed? When you're having a hard time getting paid for your injury, especially if you're now unable to work, you'll need to hire a lawyer to help you get the money you deserve. But instead of simply hiring the first one you find, here are some questions to ask to make sure that you're hiring the right one for you: Read More …

Newly Diagnosed With Cancer? Learn More About Social Security’s Disability Process

14 March 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Any type of cancer diagnosis can be devastating and people are often unaware that sufferers are not always automatically entitled to Social Security disability. If you're newly diagnosed with cancer and find yourself unable to work, this is what you need to know. Only a few types of cancer will automatically entitle you to benefits. There are a few types of aggressive cancers that can allow you to receive benefits rather quickly, through what's known as a compassionate allowance. Read More …

Questions And Answers About Slip And Fall Injury Cases

10 March 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Slipping and falling in a store can leave you wondering whether or not you should seek compensation for your injuries. Here are a few questions and answers about slip-and-fall injuries that occur in a store: If you slip and fall, are you automatically eligible for reimbursement? In some instances, you may be eligible for compensation. However, in order for a store's employees to be deemed liable for your injuries, they must have been negligent. Read More …

About Me
Healing From My Accident

When I woke up in the hospital and asked what happened, my mom and sisters explained that I had been involved in a terrible auto accident. I was terrified. In addition to forgetting about the entire ordeal, I also didn't know how I was going to battle my new injuries. Fortunately, my mom suggested that we seek the help of an accident attorney. Within a few hours, things started to get better. The lawyer answered phone calls and addressed medical bills, and he also took the time to listen to my side of the story--or the lack thereof. Learn how a lawyer can help you too.
